...and you can't roast 'mallows on a bonfire. Long live Waterloo and all of it's corn fed sons and daughters. So close to the earth and yet so far from sanity. Aww well life is sometimes better seen in it's contrasts rather then it's agreements.
* If the above makes little or no sense try applying two cups of coffee, one scented candle, and Bing to your world weary and jaded thinker. Shake well and allow thoughts of Waterloo to drift into the resulting void. There, now you have it.
I can't decide if this is a compliment or an insult...ha! But I can tell you that you guys have actually caused me to enjoy Waterloo a little more. I used to think it was pretty LAMO but now I'm seeing some good in it, though still only a little.
Two words "Harrisonville Telephone Company." What other city has their own communication enterprise? Peace giving, green rolling hills all the way through, maybe a Mullins or two or five, sometimes a Boom, definately an FS, AND a coffee house. What more do you need? Bing, Bang, Bong, Boom? By the way Elise, I think you mean LLAMO (name). Jesus is King!
The comments immediately following my thoughtful and discerning observations can be easily seen as substantiating the assertions made there in. Though the comments are quaint and ammusing in there own colonial way they are also quite obviosly the product of prolonged human exposure to sun, fresh air, and well water. The content is not inchoherent or unkind but it is rather, "Ahhh shucks", in expression and structure. Villagers are never more ammusing then when they are defending their little hamlets and pretending to be humble about there back woods upbringing in Amerca's heartland. Hats off to you Illinois.
Dear Bong, thank you for considering my quaint and amusing comments on the Illinois lifestyle. It seems as though you would think of us Injins as lesser mortals and try to "pull a fast one on us" with your kind but culturally attacking words. I find that, my friend, disheartening and all to be summed up with a "hats off" plea of innocence. Yours truly, BOOM!
Bong and Boom! Oh brothers...we may have to settle this matter with a family vacation to good ol' Waterloo. Whattaya say? Bong, I'll show you things much more exciting than roasted mallows, the unsneakability of Indians, and rolling cornfields. Boom, it's true that you've been to Waterloo, but you can't really get the full effect until you spend a day with a 19-year native. Our roots are firmly planted where they belong...deep in the heartland of Illinois with the Sioux, Chippewa, and Kickapoo! And by the way, I think both of you mean llama. ;)
Josiah! Read it again, I get it now! I'm partial, but you are much smarter AND wiser, so give it another stab! Ya'll need to stop talking and start walking - Chad, this means that you will have to actually plan for a Saturday off, Josiah, this means that you will have to actually not have a night at the radio station or we will have to pick another day, and Elise, this means that you will have to start planning our itenary for that day! Ya'll know that I have done everything in my power to sacrifice for this so-called reunion, and I'm tired of taking Saturdays off for now freakin' reason! When are you guys gonna actually put some BEEF behind your words! Com'mon now! I'm getting antsy!
GRITS!!! Are you serious?! You need to come to Illinois like crazy bad. Grits are like oatmeal, but not... they're made with corn. Most people don't care for 'em, but Boom loves 'em and I'm pretty much a fan too.
Actually Elise I believe that grits are made by scraping the white foam that gathers at the corners of a cows mouth and then adding salt. A simple recipe I know but consider the source. Bang, though my heart breaks for your sacrifices, my schedule remains clogged like the middle stall in the boys bathroom. Come quickly Lord Jesus...
I feel the need to comment on here because 20 looks so much better than 19. So here it is...booyah! You know what. I realized that you can sneak up on an Indian. I know you're thinking this can't be possible. After all this time, she's been lying to us. Yes and No. Kansas Indians can be sneaked up on, however Waterloo Indians still remain unsneakable. Josiah, how does your schedule smell these days?
Hey now! I'm not trying to throw the pity party here! I'm just sayin' that the Waterloo extravaganza lalapalooza hoedown is not being held up by a certain Bang Dittmann! Where are all my party people?!
Ok, I just wanna apologize. I read that last post and thought to myself "What?!" Therefore, I am quite aware that others may have the same tendency. So, I have no excuse for that last post other than it's Saturday night and I'm blogging and the most exciting thing right now is that Caleb is using his new battery-powered Batman toothbrush and toothpaste...I'm a mom.
There is still a main street, a Jones Cola, and an old wooden church with our name on it. Saturdays are prime as long as I leave for the station at 9. Can all of you agree on a Saturday to plunge all of the foulness out of my clogged and fragrant schedule?
On a side note Arizona Indians can be snucked upon unawares as well as long as they are asleep. I've never tried it with any who were awake but if some one does let me know will you.
Good call Josiah. Way to get down to the bottom of things. All it takes is a Bing, Bang, Bong, and Boom to find their way over to Waterloo, at the same time mind you. How hard can it be? I suppose we should wait to see how Bang's job situation plays out. If all else fails, maybe a Sunday afternoon/evening could work too.
To comment on the side note, I think you should share that little story about Arizona Indians. Add a little more flavor to the mix.
I hate to admit it, Josiah, but I think you may be right about that watchman thing. Could you possibly look into that for me? I'm getting a little antsy down in this here mailroom and did something I probably shouldn't have. Oozing is good right?
It seems from my professional opinion that you people may be suffering from what is commonly know as "indweltovurphloingluvforbruthursandsistursinJesusChristthatkanotbeebrokinordeestroidnomadurrthecerkumstanses." However, please feel free to consult your attending physician for further analysis of your specific symptoms. I have recently, in the past couple of months or so, been researching a few cases such as yourselves and I feel that this research of your similar conditions would benefit the general "good" of the medical community and advance the treatment of this condition greatly if I spoke with you both and your professionals as well. Please feel free to contact me at your earliest convenience to further expedite the next plan of action and arrange our schedules for such an event. Thank you for your prompt attention in this very serious manner.
It seems as thought the condtion has been cut off. Allow me to break it's scientific name down for you, so that truely you can disect the latin syllables to fully understand the complexity of the overwhelming disease. indweltovurphloingluv-forbruthursandsisturs-inJesusChristthatkanot-beebrokinordeestroidno-madurrthecerkumstanses
Indeed it does doctor though believe it or not I have been given this diagnosis before and it is definitely incurable.
On a side note while in Arizona as a young boy I attended a fair put on by the afformentioned Arizona Indians who indeed proved very unsneakable at their craft booths and fireside dances. However, while running through a field to...well...let's just say rid myself of a liquid burden I proceeded to go sprawling head first over one of these very same Indians. Quite a shock to both of us as I'm sure you can imagine but perhaps more so to me as the distinct smell of fermented grains hung like a cloud over the living hurdle that I had just flew over. Onward and upward...
By the way, my schedule permits for Sunday afternoons and if you let me know far enough in advance, I can make myself available for a Saturday. This meeting may take quiet awhile, so I suggest that we plan on using most of the daylight, and possibly some of the evening time as well. Again, thanks for your prompt attention in this matter. The case of my patient, Ms. Bang Dittmann (whom I often affectionately refer to as "Bang-bang" or "Bang Ditty," once I even called her "Bangarang") has been near and dear to my heart. "Bang-bang" has a 5-year-old son who is starting to exhibit some of the same symptoms and has even expressed the desire to try coffee! I have no other choice but to assume that this condition is contagious. "Bang-Ditty" has also spoken of a certain "Pure Red-head Ox" at her church in which they both express excitement by twiddling their fingertips and repeating a "sk, sk, sk" sound through sparkling smiles. I have no choice but to conclude also that this behavior may be attributed to this disease and that it is spreading to unsupecting individuals that "Bangarang" has been in contact with.
"Bang" also has mentioned a Ms. Jamie Brown........(excuse me, I suddenly felt the uncontrollable urge to clap and repeat her name as though I were introducing her. Pardon the interruption, please.) She has mentioned that Ms. Brown has bouts of smiling in such as way as to lead you to believe that she has been shackled previously and recently has seen those shackles destroyed. Also, Ms. Dittmann, has reported in our “confidential” sessions that Ms. Brown expresses an overwhelming desire to be a part of healing hearts in God’s plan for their lives and that she loves Ms. Dittmann’s son “millions of ounces.” Hence, my growing alarm and awareness of the gravity of this situation, as the symptoms continue to increase and that the condition continues to progress. Please join in my crusade to save the “Bang!”
Well we took Waterloo out on the town like it was are high school sweet heart. We danced, ate, and drank down the Jones brand nectar of the gods. We sat on the furniture like we owned the place and swam through the thickest cow brain looking green pig vomit that has ever haunted your foulest nightmares(well, some of us did, bunnies are afraid of deep water...). It was a beautiful day and like a good gentleman we had had her home and gave her a sweet kiss good night by 10:30. Bing, Bang, Bong, and Boom ride again!!
You guys are weird...It's waterloo for pitty sake! Yes, i know it is very cool...but I've never heard so many people so enthused and pumped up about going there.
At 9:22 PM, May 14, 2006, Anonymous said…
...and you can't roast 'mallows on a bonfire. Long live Waterloo and all of it's corn fed sons and daughters. So close to the earth and yet so far from sanity. Aww well life is sometimes better seen in it's contrasts rather then it's agreements.
* If the above makes little or no sense try applying two cups of coffee, one scented candle, and Bing to your world weary and jaded thinker. Shake well and allow thoughts of Waterloo to drift into the resulting void. There, now you have it.
At 8:32 PM, May 16, 2006, Elise said…
I can't decide if this is a compliment or an insult...ha! But I can tell you that you guys have actually caused me to enjoy Waterloo a little more. I used to think it was pretty LAMO but now I'm seeing some good in it, though still only a little.
At 12:04 PM, May 18, 2006, Anonymous said…
Two words "Harrisonville Telephone Company." What other city has their own communication enterprise? Peace giving, green rolling hills all the way through, maybe a Mullins or two or five, sometimes a Boom, definately an FS, AND a coffee house. What more do you need? Bing, Bang, Bong, Boom? By the way Elise, I think you mean LLAMO (name). Jesus is King!
At 12:16 PM, May 19, 2006, Anonymous said…
Boom, isn't that 3 words? You're cute! That's right, I said it! So, when's the reunion? ;-) Anyone up for Alaska?!
At 3:16 PM, May 19, 2006, Anonymous said…
The comments immediately following my thoughtful and discerning observations can be easily seen as substantiating the assertions made there in. Though the comments are quaint and ammusing in there own colonial way they are also quite obviosly the product of prolonged human exposure to sun, fresh air, and well water. The content is not inchoherent or unkind but it is rather, "Ahhh shucks", in expression and structure. Villagers are never more ammusing then when they are defending their little hamlets and pretending to be humble about there back woods upbringing in Amerca's heartland. Hats off to you Illinois.
At 3:50 AM, May 23, 2006, Anonymous said…
got that right..
At 3:39 PM, May 26, 2006, Anonymous said…
Dear Bong, thank you for considering my quaint and amusing comments on the Illinois lifestyle. It seems as though you would think of us Injins as lesser mortals and try to "pull a fast one on us" with your kind but culturally attacking words. I find that, my friend, disheartening and all to be summed up with a "hats off" plea of innocence.
Yours truly,
At 10:31 AM, May 27, 2006, Anonymous said…
Boom I think you meant Llamo {name}.
At 12:28 PM, May 27, 2006, Elise said…
Bong and Boom! Oh brothers...we may have to settle this matter with a family vacation to good ol' Waterloo. Whattaya say? Bong, I'll show you things much more exciting than roasted mallows, the unsneakability of Indians, and rolling cornfields. Boom, it's true that you've been to Waterloo, but you can't really get the full effect until you spend a day with a 19-year native. Our roots are firmly planted where they belong...deep in the heartland of Illinois with the Sioux, Chippewa, and Kickapoo! And by the way, I think both of you mean llama. ;)
At 2:07 PM, May 30, 2006, Elise said…
Josiah is Bong and I have no idea who guile is. O'Doyle rules?? What's that about?
At 3:45 PM, May 30, 2006, Anonymous said…
Don't sing it sister bring it. Set a date and it's off to Waterloo we go, grits in one hand and 'mallows in the other.
At 3:16 PM, June 03, 2006, Anonymous said…
Josiah! Read it again, I get it now! I'm partial, but you are much smarter AND wiser, so give it another stab! Ya'll need to stop talking and start walking - Chad, this means that you will have to actually plan for a Saturday off, Josiah, this means that you will have to actually not have a night at the radio station or we will have to pick another day, and Elise, this means that you will have to start planning our itenary for that day! Ya'll know that I have done everything in my power to sacrifice for this so-called reunion, and I'm tired of taking Saturdays off for now freakin' reason! When are you guys gonna actually put some BEEF behind your words! Com'mon now! I'm getting antsy!
At 9:33 PM, June 06, 2006, Jen said…
Guys, I meant " . . . no freakin' reason . . ." Sorry! I love you all!
At 11:28 PM, June 24, 2006, Elise said…
GRITS!!! Are you serious?! You need to come to Illinois like crazy bad. Grits are like oatmeal, but not... they're made with corn. Most people don't care for 'em, but Boom loves 'em and I'm pretty much a fan too.
At 11:12 AM, June 26, 2006, Anonymous said…
Actually Elise I believe that grits are made by scraping the white foam that gathers at the corners of a cows mouth and then adding salt. A simple recipe I know but consider the source. Bang, though my heart breaks for your sacrifices, my schedule remains clogged like the middle stall in the boys bathroom. Come quickly Lord Jesus...
At 9:39 PM, July 06, 2006, Elise said…
I feel the need to comment on here because 20 looks so much better than 19. So here it is...booyah! You know what. I realized that you can sneak up on an Indian. I know you're thinking this can't be possible. After all this time, she's been lying to us. Yes and No. Kansas Indians can be sneaked up on, however Waterloo Indians still remain unsneakable. Josiah, how does your schedule smell these days?
At 9:26 PM, July 08, 2006, Jen said…
Hey now! I'm not trying to throw the pity party here! I'm just sayin' that the Waterloo extravaganza lalapalooza hoedown is not being held up by a certain Bang Dittmann! Where are all my party people?!
At 9:29 PM, July 08, 2006, Jen said…
Ok, I just wanna apologize. I read that last post and thought to myself "What?!" Therefore, I am quite aware that others may have the same tendency. So, I have no excuse for that last post other than it's Saturday night and I'm blogging and the most exciting thing right now is that Caleb is using his new battery-powered Batman toothbrush and toothpaste...I'm a mom.
At 3:06 PM, July 10, 2006, Anonymous said…
There is still a main street, a Jones Cola, and an old wooden church with our name on it. Saturdays are prime as long as I leave for the station at 9. Can all of you agree on a Saturday to plunge all of the foulness out of my clogged and fragrant schedule?
On a side note Arizona Indians can be snucked upon unawares as well as long as they are asleep. I've never tried it with any who were awake but if some one does let me know will you.
At 2:29 PM, July 12, 2006, Elise said…
Good call Josiah. Way to get down to the bottom of things. All it takes is a Bing, Bang, Bong, and Boom to find their way over to Waterloo, at the same time mind you. How hard can it be? I suppose we should wait to see how Bang's job situation plays out. If all else fails, maybe a Sunday afternoon/evening could work too.
To comment on the side note, I think you should share that little story about Arizona Indians. Add a little more flavor to the mix.
At 2:35 PM, July 12, 2006, Elise said…
I hate to admit it, Josiah, but I think you may be right about that watchman thing. Could you possibly look into that for me? I'm getting a little antsy down in this here mailroom and did something I probably shouldn't have. Oozing is good right?
At 11:10 AM, July 13, 2006, Anonymous said…
It seems from my professional opinion that you people may be suffering from what is commonly know as "indweltovurphloingluvforbruthursandsistursinJesusChristthatkanotbeebrokinordeestroidnomadurrthecerkumstanses." However, please feel free to consult your attending physician for further analysis of your specific symptoms. I have recently, in the past couple of months or so, been researching a few cases such as yourselves and I feel that this research of your similar conditions would benefit the general "good" of the medical community and advance the treatment of this condition greatly if I spoke with you both and your professionals as well. Please feel free to contact me at your earliest convenience to further expedite the next plan of action and arrange our schedules for such an event. Thank you for your prompt attention in this very serious manner.
At 11:15 AM, July 13, 2006, Anonymous said…
It seems as thought the condtion has been cut off. Allow me to break it's scientific name down for you, so that truely you can disect the latin syllables to fully understand the complexity of the overwhelming disease.
I hope that clears things up for you.
At 11:24 AM, July 13, 2006, Anonymous said…
Indeed it does doctor though believe it or not I have been given this diagnosis before and it is definitely incurable.
On a side note while in Arizona as a young boy I attended a fair put on by the afformentioned Arizona Indians who indeed proved very unsneakable at their craft booths and fireside dances. However, while running through a field to...well...let's just say rid myself of a liquid burden I proceeded to go sprawling head first over one of these very same Indians. Quite a shock to both of us as I'm sure you can imagine but perhaps more so to me as the distinct smell of fermented grains hung like a cloud over the living hurdle that I had just flew over. Onward and upward...
At 11:43 AM, July 13, 2006, Anonymous said…
By the way, my schedule permits for Sunday afternoons and if you let me know far enough in advance, I can make myself available for a Saturday. This meeting may take quiet awhile, so I suggest that we plan on using most of the daylight, and possibly some of the evening time as well. Again, thanks for your prompt attention in this matter. The case of my patient, Ms. Bang Dittmann (whom I often affectionately refer to as "Bang-bang" or "Bang Ditty," once I even called her "Bangarang") has been near and dear to my heart. "Bang-bang" has a 5-year-old son who is starting to exhibit some of the same symptoms and has even expressed the desire to try coffee! I have no other choice but to assume that this condition is contagious. "Bang-Ditty" has also spoken of a certain "Pure Red-head Ox" at her church in which they both express excitement by twiddling their fingertips and repeating a "sk, sk, sk" sound through sparkling smiles. I have no choice but to conclude also that this behavior may be attributed to this disease and that it is spreading to unsupecting individuals that "Bangarang" has been in contact with.
"Bang" also has mentioned a Ms. Jamie Brown........(excuse me, I suddenly felt the uncontrollable urge to clap and repeat her name as though I were introducing her. Pardon the interruption, please.) She has mentioned that Ms. Brown has bouts of smiling in such as way as to lead you to believe that she has been shackled previously and recently has seen those shackles destroyed. Also, Ms. Dittmann, has reported in our “confidential” sessions that Ms. Brown expresses an overwhelming desire to be a part of healing hearts in God’s plan for their lives and that she loves Ms. Dittmann’s son “millions of ounces.” Hence, my growing alarm and awareness of the gravity of this situation, as the symptoms continue to increase and that the condition continues to progress. Please join in my crusade to save the “Bang!”
At 11:09 PM, July 22, 2006, Elise said…
Look out Waterloo! Bing, Bang, Bong, and Boom are takin' you on tomorrow!
At 3:05 PM, July 24, 2006, Anonymous said…
Well we took Waterloo out on the town like it was are high school sweet heart. We danced, ate, and drank down the Jones brand nectar of the gods. We sat on the furniture like we owned the place and swam through the thickest cow brain looking green pig vomit that has ever haunted your foulest nightmares(well, some of us did, bunnies are afraid of deep water...). It was a beautiful day and like a good gentleman we had had her home and gave her a sweet kiss good night by 10:30. Bing, Bang, Bong, and Boom ride again!!
At 10:40 AM, August 09, 2006, Anonymous said…
You guys are weird...It's waterloo for pitty sake! Yes, i know it is very cool...but I've never heard so many people so enthused and pumped up about going there.
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