I had the privilege of spending the past 2 days with my gorgeous, Jesus-filled, sister in Christ! It still amazes me how blessed I am to have Jen in my life! The way the friendship began was completely God and since then He has been the center of it all. She has a heart of gold that is desiring everything that God has for her. The second I met her, I knew something was different. The love of Christ radiated out of her smile and poured out of every word she said. I was so sad when I had to leave Casa that night. We had barely said 2 words to each other! I could not have explained why I wanted to be around this total stranger, but I immediately knew that I had to be her friend. A piece of me was broken until a few months later we were able to meet up again at SCCC. AHHH!! God had his hand on our lives so that Jen and I could not only be friends, but part of His family.

We have a ton of fun together! We really are the biggest dorks in the entire world, but even more than that, I just love being around her and feeding off of the Jesus that is inside of her. Jen is sooo encouraging! She pushes me to be who God has created me to be and won't let me settle for anything less. She speaks words of truth and love. Sometimes I have to take a second look to make sure that I am not hearing words from Christ himself. Jen knows her Creator deeply and allows Him to speak through her. Her life is a testimony of God's grace and the love of the Father. She is selfless, caring deeply for whoever she is with. It blows my mind to watch her get into the lives of the girls in our youth group. She covers you with love and makes you feel like every word you say is important.
What a prayer warrior! As much as I sometimes try to hide the fact that I'm hurting, Jen always knows. And rather than immediately turning to her own thoughts and words, she just says, "Let's deal with this!" It is such a blessing to grab her hands and hold on as her words are carried straight to the Father on my behalf. I know that they are not her own words because I can feel as God speaks directly to my heart through her mouth. She is His vessel! Then after praying, she lets me share what's going on in my life. Somehow, she always seems to turn things around and I remember the faithfulness of God. He has never let us down and we will be victorious again!
Words really are meaningless! I can barely begin to describe how incredible this sister is that God has given me. Jen is an irreplaceable part of my life and I am so thankful for her! She is the Zenith of Creation! She is a treasure of Heaven and truly a trophy of God's grace!
At 4:14 PM, March 09, 2006,
Jen said…
At 2:18 PM, March 12, 2006,
cs said…
To you both,
You may think that you're the ones being blessed all the time... but it is a blessing to see true Christian love for one another. So many times I find (myself in particular) that we christians tend to not love one another as we ought to. We squabble and bicker over the pettiest of things and fail to forgive... You two exemplify what Christian brotherly love is to be...
It's good to see you to doing well still
At 2:39 PM, March 16, 2006,
Jen said…
Thanks Corbin! We haven't chatted in a while. I hope all is well!
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