What an insanely hard but incredible week! God's power is truly made perfect in our weakness! My grandma passed away a little over a week ago (January 19). It was bittersweet. It is so hard to see someone that you love go through intense pain and then die, but the fact that she is with the Almighty God causes me to rejoice to no end! During a time of grieving with my family (which I've learned is needed), God spoke to us and said that we should not worry or mourn - she was standing right next to Him. I can't even fathom that. It is beyond what my human mind can understand. Standing next to our Creator! AAH!
These past few weeks with my family has been wonderful. We needed each other so much during this time, and I'm so blessed to have the family I do. Meema started a legacy in our family and it is only going to continue. She has 6 grandchildren that are Spirit-filled and love the Lord above all else. We're ready to be the mighty warriors for Christ that He's called us to be! I got the privilege to speak at my grandma's funeral and share what Meema began in our family. What a blessing! She lived her last 23 days completely for the Lord. Her body and mind were sick, but her spirit was so alive, prepared at any moment to do the King's work. She would be sound asleep, but if someone she hadn't talked to would walk in the room, she would immediately wake up to bless them in Jesus' name. She has showed me how near to God I can be. He wants to be near us. He loves us! He is crazy about us! We were made in His image and are His children!
After experiencing the way my grandma lived her last weeks, I was inspired to change. I have had a tough week, but have loved every minute of it. I have enjoyed just being with God, learning to hear his voice more clearly. He wants every part of me and even though I don't deserve it, He gives back richly. I've been struggling with college and my roommate for most of the year. Thursday night, my roommate and I finally talked and I'm going to be switching rooms hopefully next week. It has been an ongoing battle with her. Thursday night I was prepared for her to come back and completely rip me apart - yell at me, insult me, whatever. But God told me..."I have not given you a spirit of fear, but of power, love , and a sound-mind." That is exactly what I needed to hear. My roommate and I definitely needed to deal with some things. I had to stand firm for what I needed and believed in (power), but I had to do it out of love. The whole time I was waiting for her to come back, God kept reminding me that He was in control and that there was no reason to worry. What comfort!
So much more has happened this week, but I still need to let it all soak in. I am simply in awe of Christ!
These past few weeks with my family has been wonderful. We needed each other so much during this time, and I'm so blessed to have the family I do. Meema started a legacy in our family and it is only going to continue. She has 6 grandchildren that are Spirit-filled and love the Lord above all else. We're ready to be the mighty warriors for Christ that He's called us to be! I got the privilege to speak at my grandma's funeral and share what Meema began in our family. What a blessing! She lived her last 23 days completely for the Lord. Her body and mind were sick, but her spirit was so alive, prepared at any moment to do the King's work. She would be sound asleep, but if someone she hadn't talked to would walk in the room, she would immediately wake up to bless them in Jesus' name. She has showed me how near to God I can be. He wants to be near us. He loves us! He is crazy about us! We were made in His image and are His children!
After experiencing the way my grandma lived her last weeks, I was inspired to change. I have had a tough week, but have loved every minute of it. I have enjoyed just being with God, learning to hear his voice more clearly. He wants every part of me and even though I don't deserve it, He gives back richly. I've been struggling with college and my roommate for most of the year. Thursday night, my roommate and I finally talked and I'm going to be switching rooms hopefully next week. It has been an ongoing battle with her. Thursday night I was prepared for her to come back and completely rip me apart - yell at me, insult me, whatever. But God told me..."I have not given you a spirit of fear, but of power, love , and a sound-mind." That is exactly what I needed to hear. My roommate and I definitely needed to deal with some things. I had to stand firm for what I needed and believed in (power), but I had to do it out of love. The whole time I was waiting for her to come back, God kept reminding me that He was in control and that there was no reason to worry. What comfort!
So much more has happened this week, but I still need to let it all soak in. I am simply in awe of Christ!
At 11:30 PM, January 30, 2006,
cs said…
Hey Sister, I just wanted to let you know, every prayer of mine for you was answered. It's such a blessing to see an entire family rise of above the sorrow (not that emotion is bad) and find joy in the bigger (greater) picture! And yes, it is amazing to think of just standing in the presence of our Creator... I can't wait.
I will continue to pray for you and your family... You all rock!
"For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. But if I am to live on in the flesh, this will mean fruitful labor for me; and I do not know which to choose. But I am hard-pressed from both directions, having the desire to depart and be with Christ, for that is very much better; yet to remain on in the flesh is more necessary for your sake. Convinced of this, I know that I will remain and continue with you all for your progress and joy in the faith,"
This is how i want to view my life. It's how we all should view life and it is my prayer...
Love in Christ
At 8:32 AM, January 31, 2006,
Elise said…
Thanks Corbin! You are so right. To live is Christ and to die is gain... Everything we do here on Earth should glorify God, but we can look forward to the day that we get to be with Him and our loved ones in Heaven. We are victorious no matter what happens.
At 3:26 PM, January 31, 2006,
Anonymous said…
When the black disc of the moon has almost hidden the sun from view during an eclipse a ring of intensely bright light encircles the edges creating a breath taking show of Gods artistry. This says something about your grandma. It happens again as the eclipse is ending and the sun is exploding from behind it's shroud. This says something about you. Thank you for letting us witness this show of Gods love and glory in you and your family.
P.S. Remember to elaborate more often. You are far more of a blessing then you know.
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