Mullins Family Christmas

I love love love my family and all the things we do at Christmas! We begin preparing our hearts for the Christmas season on December 1. For awhile my mom has given me, my brother, and sister a small gift everyday during December as well as some Scripture and a small lesson for the day. As we approach our Savior's birthday, we grow closer to Him and remember what Christmas is all about. After attending the service at church, Christmas Eve at our house began with the kids' choice of dinner, which happened to be lasagna, Rich and Charlie's salad, and bread (pretty much the same thing it's been the past few years). During dinner we make toasts with the bubbly (sparkling grape juice) it's so tasty. We toast to our Lord, our family, friends, dogs, whatever we feel like really. Then after cleaning up we put our pj's on and go into the living room to hear my dad read the Christmas Story from the family Bible. The kids get to open one gift from each other on Christmas Eve. We finish up the festivities by watching Claymation Christmas...if you've never seen it, then you're missing out. We put out our stockings and then attempt to go to bed. Idono what it is about Christmas, but none of us can sleep EVER! It's ridiculous really. One of my favorite things about Christmas Eve is that Lindsay and I push our beds together and put our dogs in our beds. When we were little, we shared a bed so we were always right next to each other during the Christmas Eve excitement. We've never been able to let that go, so we still stay up talking and giggling like little girls. My sister is so awesome! After what seems like an eternity, we are finally allowed to wake our parents up and go open presents. They wouldn't let us wake them up until 6:30 this year! We do the whole present thing and then mom fixes a huge breakfast, which was french toast this year. Christmas at our house is about the same every year, but I wouldn't have it any other way. It's tradition!
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